Gorgeous one
I’ve always had a fascination with the inner – but it may not be the ‘inner’ you think, particularly if you’ve been a part of my world for some time.
Yes I love visiting, spending time in and healing homes – physically as an ex-Professional Organiser and lover of all things interior, and energetically as a Space Clearer – to help women step more into the flow of their life.
But the ‘inner’ I’m most interested in is Your Inner Room.
The one that lives inside you, that holds all your secrets, your desires, your love, your grief, your trauma, your dreams.
The one filled to the brim with all the things you’ve so carefully locked away, because the pain of facing them straight on, and sharing them with the world and yourself, is just too much.
I get it. I really do. I’ve lived that journey for more years than I’d like to admit.
But what if – by opening the door, letting the moths out and sorting through every fear, trauma, grief, shame and less-than emotion trapped inside, gently and from a place of love and grace – you could create a connection with yourself that was so strong and deep that no matter what anyone else said, did or threw at you it would never be broken?
How would that make you feel?
When I started on my own journey I had no idea I was energetically decluttering my Inner Room. I just knew it was time to face all of the emotions I’d so expertly locked away. It was time to step out of the shallow and jump into the deep, to strip away what wasn’t me and claim who was.
My journey started with a deeply visceral feeling inside. I knew this was a journey I had to take, even though fear gripped me by the throat and had no plans on letting go any time soon. But my Soul knew I had to take the journey, to ensure I stepped out of the shadows I so expertly hid in and into the light on the other side.
Yes it took work. Yes it took perseverance. And more than anything it took a lot of strength to stand in my truth, particularly with people who were very open with their ‘opinions’ of how I should show up and be ‘for them’.
Stuff that!
As a highly sensitive / aware person who was seriously good at sensing the subtle (one of the traits of a HSP) I was sick of it all! So I did something about it. I energetically decluttered my Inner Room and in time actively filled it with my truth, my goals, my dreams, my desires, from a place of pure love for myself and this life I’m living.
You’ll know you’re ready to dive in the deep on your own Inner Room journey if
Next time we’ll be diving deeply with one of the elements that support you on Your Inner Room journey.
Are you ready for it?
With deep love to you on your journey,
Helen xx
What is it you need right now?
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© helen joy butler 2024 | design by vari mckechnie | photos by covington & co.
It's time to get out of the shallows and dive deep into your life.
helen joy butler
[…] can you do while you’re here, to support you to energetically declutter Your Inner Room and step closer to your […]